Saturday, March 26, 2011

2011 Garden Journal

March 26, 2011
Today I am soaking fresh morning glory and 2002 4 o'clock seeds to enhance germination. I am planning on growing heavenly blue MG up an arbor at the entry to my front yard. I will grow them in paper pots made from newspapers and filled with potting soil in the greenhouse for a few weeks before planting in the ground. I am also seeding jack be little squash. I planted 3 Celebrity saved tomato seeds. I was able to buy some vegetable and flower seeds for 20 cents a pkg at Walmart this week.The quantities are small but I don't need many of each variety.

My thornless Mammoth raspberry plants and Heritage raspberry plants arrived in todays mail from Henry Field's and Gurney's nurseries. They have a nice root system and buds seem to be alive. I will plant the rest of my strawberry order in pots tomorrow, varieties Honeoye and Eversweet. The dollar tree in Crescent City had some nice buckets with rope handles in stock so I purchased 10 for growing pots. I got some plastic cloches on the internet to protect them from the slugs and snails. I also planted 9 purple passion asparagus plants in a large pot along with some mail ordered bare root Ozark Beauty strawberry starts. One Apache thornless blackberry start I planted in a clay pot. I am watering with buckets of rain water as the rain has been incessantly beating down for weeks. Hubby finally repaired the greenhouse vent as the gale force winds ripped it apart.


  1. Honeoye and Eversweet Strawberries..... why did you select these particular varieties? I want to plant something everbearing and sweet, that grow medium to big size. What fetilizer product are you planning on using?

  2. Honeoye had great reviews at another web site and Eversweet is ever bearing and highly productive. I will most likely use miracle grow liquid fertilizer as I have that on hand.
